
Mokuyobi Post - Sol Bianca

Sol Bianca is a 2 part OAV sci-fi space opera by Katsuhiro Akiyama.  It was originally released in Japan in 1990.

    The Sol Bianca is a light advanced space craft piloted by a small band of female pirates, who are all named after calendar months.  In the first episode a young boy has hidden himself on the ship and when he is discovered he begs the pirates to help him rescue his mother from the evil Emperor Batros.  They crew agrees and they attack the heavily defended planet with their wit and specialties to rescue the fair maiden. And honestly, I don't think I ever watched the second episode.  From what I can find on the internet about it it appears to have been a cliff hanger...woops.

    For the time period this was a pretty good show.  The thing I remember the most is one of the characters perched in orbit with a sniping rifle, aimed at the surface, during the climax.  Crazy stuff.  This is a slick action series that shows off idealized women in tight clothes and heavy weapons, kicking all sorts of ass.  If you liked Gunbusters this series would be up your alley.  Apparently it is a bit hard to find and has never been released on DVD in North America.  At the end of the 90's a redo was released called Sol Bianca: The Legacy, but I never got around to watching it.

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