
Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge - RePost

Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge (ヤマトナデシコ七変化♥) translates into Perfect Girl Evolution. The English title for this series is The Wallflower. My name for the series is Queer Eye for the Goth Girl.  It originally aired in Japan from 2006 to 2007.  It is based on the manga of the same name by Hayakawa Tomoko.  The series was directed by the ever offbeat Nabeshin.

    The story of four bi-shonen who board with a wealthy widow, Oba-san, as they call her.  She offers the self obsessed pretty boys a deal one day that they have a hard time refusing.  Her precious niece is coming to live in the mansion; if they can turn her into a proper lady they will be able to live rent free. If they fail their rent will be quadrupled. They, being obsessed with money, agree to educate the niece, figuring it won't be that hard given Oba-san's nature. The niece, Sunako, ends up posing a larger problem then they anticipated. She pretty much resembles the girl from The Ring and has just as icy of an attitude. The four pretty boys, Ranmaru, Kyohei, Takenaga and Yukinojo, must overcome their own horror at this disturbed and reclusive goth weirdo in order to win free rent. Everyone must come to terms with their own problems and try to all grow into decent human beings. Will the four pretty boys be able to overcome Sunako's terrifying aura and make her into a proper lady? Will Sunako be able to withstand being around such dazzling beautiful creatures? Will the Loli-Goth sisters ever make any sense? Only time will tell.

    I laughed a lot during this 25 episode series, the worst was the end of episode 2, and I laughed well into the credits on that one. Sunako is in super-chibi mode through most of the series. There are so many bloody noses in this series, well more like gushing fountains of blood, that it makes the wall scene from Evil Dead 2 look like a Disney film when it comes to blood content. The character design is pretty weird and simplistic, but don't let it ruin the fun of this series. Some of the antics get a little out of hand, most notably the side characters known as the Loli-Goth sisters. Half way through the series they seem to just show up just to show up, they were funny in the beginning but at the end they were pretty cringe inducing. Every episode, except the first, starts off with a little monologue from Sunako's human anatomy doll, Hiroshi. As the series goes on Hiroshi's monologues become funnier and more disturbing. The episode previews are entertaining as well, especially for an episode where Noichi ends up cleaning the house, so be sure to watch them so see antics not seen in the episode.

    All in all this is a funny series, yet the humor begins to dull as it goes on, I'm not sure if it is just due to it no longer being as fresh but the "Raidi e no ichii" (Road to being a Lady) segments are incredibly funny throughout.  If you like to laugh at a stupid light hearted, twisted, high school comedy, this is a prefect one for you. There really isn't any romance and the animation effects are over the top in the humor category. The entire series is available on DVD in America, so pick it up and laugh your ass off.

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