

Hinamatsuri (ヒナまつり) is a slice of life comedy series based on the manga of the same name by Otake Masai.  The series aired on 12 episodes over the Spring of 2018.

   Yoshifume Nitta is yakuza who suddenly finds himself as a sort of foster dad to a strange middle school aged girl named Hina.  Hina arrived one day in his apartment, encased an a large egg, no reason or explanation.  Hina is quiet and calculating, hiding enormous physical prowess.  Nitta ends up using his strange house guest to rough up a rival gang.  The end result wins him respect within his own gang and a sudden daughter who threatens him with extreme violence.

    Hina's past is unknown, but where ever she came from, she wasn't the only one.  Another incredibly powerful middle school girl, Hayashi Anzu, is soon sent to bring her back 'home'.  Anzu fails to subdue Hina and instead chooses to stay in the area...homeless.  Nitta forces Hina to go to school in an attempt at some semblance of normalcy.  Can these social misfits achieve some form of normal existence?

    Hinamatsuri starts out with the potential to be a show about discovering the machinations behind Hina and Anzu's existence and the unknown organization that controls them.  Instead we get a weird slice of life comedy that is pretty heartwarming at times.  The character I enjoyed the most was Hina's classmate Hitomi who ends up getting trapped in a job as a bartender...of which faculty members of her school patronize...and completely ignore her identity.  Anzu's story is amusing and heartwarming.  Failing in her mission she ends up staying around, living in an unhoused encampment in the neighborhood, where she is taught the value of hard work and companionship.  Anzu and Hina are polar opposites in both personality and world view.

    The show was enjoyable but doesn't really resolve anything.  What you get is a series of events that make the strange girls more human, with a strong eye on setting up comedic situations.  You don't really find out where they come from or what their purpose is.  The series just sort of ends with nothing really being changed or resolved.

    The series was simulcast on Crunchyroll and was released on disc by FUNimation.

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