
Your Lie in April - Manga

Your Lie in April (四月は君の嘘) is a slice of life romance by Arakawa Naoshi.  The manga was published originally in Japan between 2011 and 2015.

    Honestly, the anime and the manga are almost identical in every way, so if you want to read the synopsis and comments on the story read it here.

    That said, it wasn't bad to go through the story again, to see if I missed anything.  I was disappointed that the anime was verbatim to the manga, holding out hope for some expanded story or what not, but yeah, its pretty much line for line.  Sadly, this makes the manga rather pointless as this story works so much better in motion and color.  If you have not seen the anime I suggest either skipping the manga or reading it first...actually, scratch that.  Skip the manga, settle down in front of the TV with a box of tissues and wait for the heart breaking ending.  The only thing I gained from reading the manga was that the story is apparently derived from a 1991 novel with a similar theme known as Ichigo Gomei (The Alliance of the 15 Year Olds).  I found an academically translated copy of the book and will report back once I'm through with it.

    The manga is being released in North America by Kodansha.

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