
Zankyo no Terror

Zankyo no Terror (残響のテロル) is an original 11 episode drama directed by Watanabe Shinichiro with music by Kanno Yoko.  The series originally aired in Japan during the summer of 2014

    Two terrorists, known as Sphinx, have begun playing a dangerous game of trivia with the Tokyo Metropolitan police.  Through internet video's they begin to plan a series of bombings throughout Tokyo.  With each video they present the police with riddles solve, clues to the bombs locations and ultimately their motives.  A demoted and rejected veteran detective is called back to the work he loves to help combat this unknown menace before it's too late.  Can the once respected police officer combat the sociopathic mission the terrorists are plotting and restore honor to his name?  What is Sphinx's true aim with their game?

    This is unlike anything Watanabe is generally known for (Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo) and is somewhat memorable because of that.  Realistically this is exactly like any number of police vs. terrorist thrillers from the 90's and 00's.  Movies like, Blown Away, Speed or Die Hard.  One difference between many of those American films is that this series has the terrorists as the protagonists, all be it anti-hero type protagonists.  Sphinx is presented as virtuous criminals, who are causing terror for the greater good.  The story, though, is pure Hollywood.  The rejected hard-nosed detective, the shifting intrigue and the police task forces rogue mentality.  It’s rather refreshing to see a well done if brainless action series.  No new ground is tread, so in that respect its nothing special.  The artwork and character designs are top notch and similar to another off style series by Watanabe, Kids on the Slope.  The music is fantastic as well; I particularly enjoyed the opening theme song.  In the end I really enjoyed this series even if it could have been done as a blockbuster summer movie.  The animation was truly top notch; the characters were enjoyable if not very original.

    FUNimation simulcast the series in North America and I am pretty sure a disc release is in the works.

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