
I'm throwing in the towel on Nisekoi

Nisekoi is a harem comedy which began airing in Japan in January of 2014.  The series is based on the manga of the same name by Naoshi Komi.

    Raku Ichijo is the only son of a prominent yakuza leader who wants to distance himself from his family’s underworld habits.  The most important thing to him is reconnecting with a mysterious girl from his childhood who he shares a forgotten secret with.  The only thing he has to prove who the girl is, is her key to a locket he wears around his neck.  Something is inside of the locket but he can’t remember what it is.  He secretly hopes the girl from his past is a classmate, Kosaki Onodera.  When a rambunctious foreign transfer student, Chitoge Kirisaki, shows up his life gets a bit more complicated.  Chitoge is the daughter of a mafia boss and the entire gang has just moved to town.  The gang and the yakuza start shooting it out and the heads of both groups devise a plan to quell the violence.  The plan is to say that Raku and Chitoge are dating and will be married, merging both criminal factions.  The problem is, they hate each others’ guts, but decide to go with the plan to save everyone from trouble.  To Raku’s horror, word of the relationship reaches school and they have to pretend to be in love in front of the girl of his dreams.  Then he discovers that Chitoge and Kosaki both have memories of a boy in their youth who made a promise to them, of which they can’t remember, and both retain a key.  One of them could be Raku’s promise girl but he can’t easily find that answer out.  Things become even more complicated when a girl from a picture of the time around the promise shows up, Marika Tachibana, who also has a key.  At the time of the picture Raku’s father had promised Marika to his son in exchange for protection from her dad, who is the chief of police.  So now, Raku has 2 fiancés and a girl of his dreams, all of whom have keys and similar experiences possibly with him.  Who is the real one and what was the promise?

    I tried…I really tried, but after 16 episodes I just can’t do it anymore.  This show is annoying and with no end in sight, painful to continue watching.  It represents so much of what I hate in current trends in anime.  The only thing its missing are some half naked loli characters.  This series really should have just ended at 13 episodes and been done with it, but it doesn’t even look like it will end with 26 episodes and I don’t have the stomach to keep going.  Perhaps when it is finally done I will watch the last few episodes and find out what the secret was, what’s in the locket and who he ends up with (if that even pans out to anything).  Otherwise, continuing to watch this series, let along picking up the manga, seems to be a waste of my time.

    If you like harem romance series for teenage boys, this is perfect for you.  It’s currently airing on Crunchyroll so eat it out to your hearts’ content.  I, on the other hand, am putting it to bed. 

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