
Mokuyobi Post - Sanctuary

Sanctuary is a one-shot OAV based on the manga of the same name by Ryoichi Ikegami and Sho Fumimura.  The OAV was released in Japan in 1996.

    Friends, Akira Hojo and Chiaki Asami make a vow to each other that they will rise to the top of their chosen path in life and join forces to change the world.  Akira joins the world of the yakuza while Chiaki joins the world of politics.  As they rise through the ranks they face deadly challenges  and occasionally have to rely on each others positions to push forward.

    This is actually a really cool anime.  I need to read the manga one of these years.  It's a great portrait of the seedy underbelly in the world of the movers and shakers of Japan.  Political corruption, extortion and all the nastiness in-between.  The animation is similar to that of Crying Freeman, as Ikegami did the art for both manga.  While dated, it is still enjoyable if for nothing more than the excellent story.  Although, given they crammed part of a long running manga into this short OAV the story does seem a bit thin.  None-the-less, its a good anime and I highly recommend it.  They also released a pretty decent live action variant that is also worth checking out.

    The anime, live action and manga have all been released in North America and have been available since almost the beginning.  So check any/all of them out and enjoy this nice tale of crime and law.

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