
Mokuyobi Post - RG Veda

RG Veda is a fantasy OVA by Clamp that is loosely based off of the Hindu religious text the Rig Veda.  It is from their first manga of the same name and came out in 1991.

    Following the killing of the ruling emperor, Taishakuten took over the throne and rules with an iron fist, 6 legendary warriors are summoned to right the way of the world.  They must join together, over coming every obstacle thrown in their way, and defeat the evil Taishakuten.

    This was my first exposure to Clamp and the idea of a coffee table sword.  I had originally watched it about 20 years ago when I first started getting into anime heavily.  I was unfamiliar with who CLAMP was until a few years later with the anime version of Magical Knights Rayearth.  This series is quite dated, as with everything from this time period.   The character designs were softened from CLAMPS typical angular character designs to be a bit less jarring.  Unfortunately for the storyline, it actually does not conclude...a third installment was never made and I have no clue why.  Aside from that, I am no fan of fantasy titles and could care less about this one.  Biggest complaint aside from it not ending; if you're gonna have a giant fucking sword why do you only use it for spell casting?

   Anyways, you can pass up this long lost title in the halls of anime, unless you want to watch everything CLAMP or love older fantasy series'.  If you do, you will actually be better off reading the 10 tankobon manga.

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