

 Aiura (あいうら) is a 12 episode adaptation of the yon-koma of the same name by Chama.  The anime originally aired during the Spring of 2013.

    Amaya Kanaka is hyperactive, impulsive and dimwitted.  Iwasawa Saki is her stoic straight-man, tall, rational and underhanded.  Much to Iwasawa's desires, the two girls who naturally join up as a classic comedy duo, have to spend the next three years together in high school.  On the final day of spring break they meet a third girl that will be absorbed into their comedy routine, the innocent Uehara Ayuko.  Together the three immature high school girls move through their days absorbed in their own odd relationship or pranks and insults.  The primary trio isn't alone in their eccentricities.  Their homeroom teacher can't be bothered to care about the success of her students.  An English teacher leans into her youthful appearance, often going to work in the school uniform.  Kanaka's younger brother suffers with the trio's invasion of his bedroom to hang out, doing so only because Kanaka's own room is uninhabitable.  With out any purpose or direction the characters go about their strange lives, the butt of a greater joke of reality.

    I am a huge fan of the off bet school girl group slice of life comedies, like Azumanga Daioh, Ichigo Mashimaro, Minami-ke or Lucky Star.  Aiura doesn't disappoint when it comes to content and characters.  They are all lovable in their personality quirks and antics.  While it didn't exactly tread new ground, it handled a familiar formula quite well.  The biggest complaint is it is way too short, particularly when 1/3 of each episode is taken up by the opening and ending credits.  Given this series is 10 years old by the time of the this review, we will never see any more being made and I feel guilty for never knowing about it until recently.  I am glad that I found it finally, enjoyed the hell out of it and need to start pick up the manga!

    The anime is currently available on Crunchyroll in sub.

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