
Mokuyobi Post - Genocyber

Genocyber is a 5 episode OAV sci-fi horror series based on the manga of the same name by Tony Takezaki (A.D. Police).  It was originally released in Japan between 1993 and 1994.

    An evil shadow corporation is using twin sisters who have inante psychic powers to craft a biological super weapon they dub vajira.  After a murder filled search for one of the sisters they are merged together and form the vajira Genocyber.  Instead of being controlled by the organization Gynocyber, driven by the girls pshyche's goes on a path of destruction and retribution.  Eventually more vajira are created to try and destroy Genocyber to no avail.  Hundreds of years after Genocyber goes on a rampage, destroying much of the Earth, the remnants huddle in frightened existence.  A couple in one remaining city stumble upon the dormant bio-weapon while fleeing the cities ruthless mayor.  Genocyber awakes, takes some more revenge then apparently goes back to sleep?

    OK, this series has been on my shit list for a long time.  Its pretty bad, even for mid 90's animation.  Its nothing but an orgy of ultra-violence and nudity, don't get me wrong I'm not against ultra-violence and nudity...this story just plain sucks.  Apparently the manga was never finished so people must have detested it as well.  This was part of the first wave of commercial anime in North America when the regional licensing companies were trying to grab anything that was edgy and adult orientated, feeling that their sales would fare better than if they directed their attention to the general market.  This series came out fairly quick in America (according to info on Anime News Network the US got the OAV before Japan did).  It was a staple in the mid 90's for any anime fan but it was less then inspiring.  Put it along side Guyver and you have a festival of horrible action horror titles that should be buried and forgotten.

    If you are interested in seeing what this series looks like and how people get brutally murdered, the DVD appears to be easily accessible.

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