
Recorder and Randsell

This 2 minute per episode slice of life comedy series aired in Japan in 2012 and is comprised of 26 episodes.

    The story revolves around situation comedy vignettes showcasing misunderstandings about the Miyagawa siblings.  Atsushi is an elementary school student who has the body of a 20 something male.  His sister Atsumi is a high school student with the body of a grade-schooler.  Hilarity ensues, mostly involving Atsushi, when he's frequently mistaken for a pedophile.   The story involves a small cast of side characters including Atsushi female classmate, Atsumi's best friend and the siblings 30 something unemployed live-at-home neighbor.

    There isn’t much to say for a series that runs essentially the same gag for about an hour’s worth of run time.  More than half of the episodes deal with people thinking Atsushi is an adult, most involving the police dragging him away as a pervert.  This and the artwork make for a grating series.  Its only saving grace is the length.  The art is subpar, reminiscent on the end of the 90s in style, with overly buxom/jiggly women portraying the adult female characters.  The series is semi ecchi in some of its content.  I decided to watch it all mostly to just have something to review, but it honestly took about an hour to watch...so I don't feel too bad about the time spent.  It’s not really worth the time though.  If you are curious, just watch the first five episodes and you will get the gist of how the whole series goes.  But honestly, you can just skip it.

    Hey made 2 other seasons of the show as well; Recorder and Randsell Re & Recorder and Randsell Mi, each 13 episodes.  The original series along with ‘Re’ are available via Crunchyroll, and I am sure ‘Mi’ will follow shortly.

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