
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - part 3

 Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Clash (銀河英雄伝説 DIE NEUE THESE 激突) is the third 12 episode season of the remake based on the novel series Legend of the Galactic Heroes by Tanaka Yoshiki.  The series was originally released as three movies over the Spring of 2021.

If needed, here are the links for Part 1 and Part 2.

    The Alliance is doing its best to overcome the failed coup but there is much unrest and mistrust among the populace, the military and the bureaucracy.  The Galactic Empire on the other hand seems to be falling firmly into Reinhardt's control.  Admiral Yang has been promoted to fleet admiral following his role in quelling the coup.  He is stationed on Iserlohn along with his closest allies.  On his adopted sons first training sortie their fleet stumbles upon an advanced Imperial fleet and a battle ensues, thrusting Julian into adulthood as he has to deal with surviving his first combat experience.  The top science advisor for the Empire proposes a plan to retake Iserlohn using a derelict battle station left over from the defeated nobles.  The idea is to use experimental technology to warp the station within striking distance of the other station and engage it with a powerful force.

    Fezzan is beginning to make their move in the shadows, with plans to tip the balance in favor of the Empire and then assassinate Reinhard.  Their first step is to sow division and rot inside of the Alliance.  A plot is hatched to discredit and ruin Admiral Yang which is begun by summoning him back to the seat of power for a questionable tribunal.  As he is being bullied by hawkish politicians the bold plan from the Empire begins with the unprecedented warping on entire battle station.  While the command staff that Yang left behind would rather their magical tactician be their they employ a series of successful strategies to stave off annihilation, having faith their alerts to the capital were received and Yang would be returning with reinforcements before they were overwhelmed.  With the help of their guest admiral, an Imperial defector, using his intimate knowledge of their opponents to devise a reliable counter.  Yang and his fleet arrive as the battle seems to fall into a stalemate but the commander of the Imperial forces is becoming desperate to achieve victory.

   While part three started off strong it fell into a lot of back story and plot lines of miner characters that may or may not have been useful in the remake.  I started to loose an amount of interest when the story spent too much time focusing on some of Reinhard's underlings and brushed him off as little more than a set piece at this point.  His assistant though is an interesting character in her own right and a blatant copy of Yang's long time assistant.  The war-is-hell perspective as we see more from Yang's adopted son were enjoyable as was the frustrating tribunal Yang faced due to deeper Fezzan interference.  It will be interesting to see what will come of their more open manipulations of both governments.  The epic confrontation between Iserlohn and the recommissioned pleasure palace was fantastic and was a great showcase for the abilities of Yangs staff.  We usually get to see Reinhard's underlings succeed but we never get that from the Alliance side.

    This was the least interesting series so far in the remake.  If anything, I feel it showcases why it was a good move to trim out of lot of the side story stuff from the original series to make the story move in a more concise manner.  This season, at least in the first half, got bogged own by somewhat uninteresting side stories that felt more like distractions than anything else.  I can only hope that the fourth series sheds that off once again and kicks everything into high gear for what is assumed to be the conclusion of the remake and the culmination of the massive shift in the lives of the galaxy.

The series is available in sub and dub formats on Crunchyroll.

Click here for season 4.

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