

Bananya (ばなにゃ) is a 13 episode short form kids comedy series based on a set of stationary characters.  The anime was made partially through crowd funding and aired in Japan over the Summer of 2016.

    Bananya shows the daily lives of a group of cat like creatures who live in banana's.  From the main Bananya to his love interest, friends, rival and family.  They go through weird daily adventures around the house they inhabit, hiding their identity from the humans

    There really isn't much to say.  This quirky and cute anime is aimed at small children and is silly by its very nature.  The cute-ish unassuming Banana Cats just like to enjoy life.  The animation is looks to be done via Flash and is rather twitchy when it comes to the character movements.  It was an inexpensively made production but I'm pretty sure the preschool kids who care less for that!  It was fun and worth the time and at the end of the credits they would post images of cast members own cats, which my kids loved.

    Bananya, surprisingly, was streamed on Crunchyroll.  I would be even more surprised if it came out on disk in North America, let alone the product line that inspired the series.

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