
Peeping Life TV Season 1??

Peeping Life TV Season 1?? (Peeping Life TV シーズン1 ??) is a 12 episode sketch comedy series.  The series originally aired on TV in Japan during the Fall of 2015.

    There is no central plot to Peeping Life.  It is a series of satirical comedy sketches using a cast of characters.  Originally a web series by CoMix Wave, which is the studio Shinkai Makoto works out of.  This version however was done by a completely different company and it lacks the substance of the earlier works, sadly.

    Something was lacking in this version of peeping Life, something that made the web series enjoyable for me.  I think part of it was the focus on the Tezuka and Tatsunoko characters, which is fine and all, but they continued to repeat the same jokes.  I was hoping for more sketches from original characters like the otaku guy (who they do use for every episodes 'next episode preview' segment).  The best of the Peeping Life series are the history shorts.  So this was actually rather disappointing and it took me a long time to actually work my way through it.

    There are a few things that prevent any form of the Peeping Life from gaining larger audiences.  The writing is off putting if you are not a fan of subtle humor.  The artwork is quite low grade motion capture CG, so don't come looking for anything mind blowing.  But the crudeness and the natural feel of the Peeping Life is one of those things I really enjoy about it.  It's a shame that this version of it was weak in delivery and writing.

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