
Mizu no Kotoba

Mizu no Kotoba (水のコトバ) is a short science fiction piece by Yoshiura Yasuhiro and originally aired in Japan in 2002.

    Set in a small and darkly lit cafe, this 9 minute film centers around a series of conversations between the cafe's patrons.  The conversations are separate and between pairs of people but their topics sometimes bleed into other conversations.  You could say the main character is a man at the counter who is conversing with the amiable barista.  Through hints and suggestions the barista questions his perception of conversation, motives and reality.  Finally leading him to an alternate view of the cafe which causes her words to truly sink in. Powerless words vanish right away.  But powerful words remain, even after they're spoken.

    This is an interesting template for Yoshirua's other, more detailed cafe of conversations anime, Eve no Jikan.  The artwork is a bit clunky and disorientating but works well with the frame of the story.  There is not much you will take out of this short film other than interesting ideas on the weight of conversation and the meaning of words.  Then at the end, a curve ball of sci-fi-ness.  Worth the short time span.  In all honesty it really makes me want to re-watch Pale Cocoon more then Eve no Jikan.

    Mizu no Kotoba is available in North America via streaming on Crunchyroll.

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