
Top 5 OAV's

Given the lack of OAV's outside of the 90's that I have consumed this one was really hard to do.

#5: Here is Greenwood

    Kazuya has enrolled in an eclusive private high school and will be living in the dorm to escape his newly wed brother.  His hope of a normal high school career are flushed down the toilet when the dorm he moves into is populated by the schools oddest characters, including a cross dressing roommate.

    This 6 episode OAV has always had a special place in my heart. The art is horrible but the story is funny and touching in the end.  I don't really have an explanation as to why i have always liked this show, I just have.  I even when so far as to get off that Yamanote in Uguisadani to proof to myself that it really does exist...taking photos to remind myself of that.  This is just a really fun and goofy comedy from a manga of the 80's.  I own it on VHS and DVD and watch it once every few years for a good time.

#4: Photon

    Keyne crashes her spaceship on a far flung planet, escaping a deranged prince who is after he grandfathers secrets to unlimited energy.  She is awoken from stasis by a boy named Photon and has to become his husband due to them both having the same 'mark' on their forehead.  Photon is after a girl from his village who ran off with money from the village chief to live with a traveling minstrel.  Photons incredible latent strength makes him Keynes best protection from the crazed prince as the trail for the missing girl leads them into his hands.

    This 6 episode OAV is from the original creators of Tenchi Muyo and it shows in every way.  The character design, the story lines, the humor and the sexuality.  This takes the best parts of Tenchi and presents them in a trimmed down story and character list making it superior to the harem titles in almost every way.  Photons idiotic demeanor makes him a great unlikely hero.  Keyne is both sexy and funny and the small cast of misfit supporting characters are excellent as well.  You will laugh a lot with this one.  The story wraps up very nicely in the end and you go away with a good feeling.

#3: Project A-Ko

     An alien ship crashes on Earth, leaving no survivors and a ton of technology for mankind to pillage.  16 years later another alien ship arrives looking for their lost princess a girl named C-Ko.  Her best friend A-Ko must fight the transgender aliens bent on kidnapping her and a 'love' rival B-Ko.

    This was my introduction to the rich world of satirical anime.   From pop culture, action films and damn near everything in anime and manga at the time, nothing is sacred to this entertaining romp.  While originally presented as a hentai film, they trimmed the sexuality down to a minimum and concentrated more on action and comedy...of which we should all be grateful of.  This is a legendary anime which everyone should watch.  I need to get around to buying this on DVD so I can retire the VHS copy.  There are 3 other OAV's that followed but the original is still the best out of the lot.  Ignore the 2 follow up re-tooling known as Blue vs Gray.

#2: Read or Die 

    Yomiko is a mousy bookworm who is known by her special agent code name The Paper.  She works for an elite British intelligence agency.  While she is unassuming and quit meek she has the ability to control anything made of paper and change its properties at will.  She is brought in to investigate and recover a unique book that could spell the end of the world.

    This is a really fun and fantastic comedic action romp.  The 3 OAV set makes you want more, but unfortunately the answer was a less then stellar TV series...ignore the TV series.  But the OAV is fantastic.  it is fun, witty and engaging.  It has been a long time since I watched this series...I may need to address that very soon.

#1: Macross Zero

    Shortly after the alien space craft crashed into Earth but before the SDF-1 is completed we have the two opposing factions on Earth fighting over control of the alien technology.  UN pilot Shin crashes on a remote Pacific island in a dog fight and has to try and protect the native inhabitants while discovering the secrets the island may hold.

    This is the BEST story line to come out of ANYTHING related to Macross/Robotech.  Sadly, it will NEVER be licensed in North America because Harmony Gold sucks.  Unlike the other series there is no pop idol worship getting in the way of the excellent dog fight sequences and the tales of xenophobia and acceptance of change.  The artwork is beautiful, the CG is outdated these days but the music is fantastic in this series.  At just 5 episodes the story isn't bloated and finishes well.  Macross Plus could be worthy of an honorable mention in this list, but Zero is very outstanding all around.

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