
Mokuyobi Post - Dragon Half

Dragon Half is a two part fantasy comedy OVA that came out in 1993 and is based on the manga of the same name.

    Mink is half dragon and half human, her father was a famous dragonslayer who fell in love with her mother, a dragon.  She goes to school and is friends with an elf, Lufa, and a dwarf, Pia.  in an attempt to court her idol, singer/dragon slayer Dick Saucer, Mink is determined to fing the People Potion that will turn her into a full human. She must overcome a jealous classmate, a braindead mercenary and an arena of bad guys in her attempts at a normal life.

    This was the first title that really introduced me to the concept of super deformed.  It is also one the first that almost killed me with laughter.  This is an insanely funny OVA and one of the only fantasy genre titles I really like.  This thing is from the early 90s, so the animation and production is very dated.  but if you can find a copy pick it up, its well worth your time.  There are tons of references to video game and manga thoughout.  If you are a fan of goofy tongue in cheek comedies this is a must. While originally released by ADV in North America it is slated for a rerelease in 2014 by  Discotek Media.

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